Hydraulic Motors

Hydraulic motors can be used to convert the controlled fluid power from a valve or pump into rota.ting mechanical power for driving a load. The Buid Bow is changed to rotational velocity or speed, and the pressure is converted into torque to move the load.

Physically, hydraulic motors are similar in construction to hydraulic pumps. Most servo motors are of the fixed-displacement variety, so that flow to a motor produces a given speed and direction of rotation. A motor can be rated by its displacement d. in cubic inches per revolution or in cubic inches per radian.

As in pumps, motors also have fluid leakage from the high-pressure passageways which is a function of pressure. This leakage characteristic may be given as a leakage coefficient L.., or as a pressure gradient. These constants can be added to the control unit’s constants to give a system leakage coefficient. Leakage in a pump or control valve represents a loss of Bow that would otherwise be available for use in an actuator component. Motor leakage, on the other hand, represents a loss of motor speed or power output. The leakage in a motor having cylindrical
pistons varies only slightly over the motor’s speed range and direction of power, and is mainly a function of pressure.

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